Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: Baggage by S.G. Redling

This book started out a little on the slow side for me. I kept wondering when would we get to what happened and why February 17th was such a day from hell for Anna. 

Finally answers start coming! On February 17 when Anna was little her mother killed her father to protect her. Of course Anna never talks about it and is sent to live with her cousin Jeannie and her family. Jeannie has become not only her support system but like her older sister. In the story these two have a great bond. 

Now that Anna is an adult she got married but again on February 17 he ended up killing himself. Now a year later Anna is starting over. New apartment, new job and definitely hoping the curse of February 17 is finally over. 

This year on that day her cousin Jeannie makes a surprise visit to help her deal with that dreadful day. When Jeannie springs Anna from work they go out for the evening but when they wake up they can't remember what the night entailed. Instead of being faced with things like her past she finds herself the the suspect. 

So of course the book finally picks up and I started to like the characters and the mystery of what was happening. Both Jeannie and Anna are so different but they are so close which I loved. 

The ending ends in a cliffhanger and I hope there will second part to end the suspense on what happens in the end. When I started this I had no idea that it would end this way. For one I don't like to read stories with cliffhangers because I love knowing there is ending in sight no matter what it is. Hopefully book two will finally put this story to rest. 

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