Thursday, June 30, 2016

Deceived Excerpt & Giveaway with Kate SeRine

Dark Alliance #1

By: Kate SeRine

Releasing June 28, 2016 



Luke Rogan's assignment is simple: secure young Elijah Scoffield and his mother and bring them back to headquarters--just an ordinary mission for an operative of the Dark Alliance. But Elijah is no ordinary kid. He's the grandson of one of the country's most influential politicians--a man privy to the Alliance's most valuable secrets, including its centuries-long connection to the Knights Templar. And someone else is attempting to capture the boy--someone who's proven he doesn't give a damn about collateral damage. . .

Heartbroken at the lies that tore her world apart, Sarah Scoffield will do anything to protect her son--even if that means teaming up with a deadly stranger. But Sarah soon finds herself falling in love with her dark hero. And as danger stalks ever closer, the fiery desire that claims them awakens in Sarah passions she'd thought dead and buried long ago. . . 

Praise for Kate Serine

"Dark, dangerous, edgy, and deliciously sexy!" --Julie Ann Walker, New York Times bestselling author

"Kate SeRine knows how to pack a punch!" --Donna Grant, New York Times bestselling author

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Buy Links:      Amazon | B & N | Google | iTunes | Kobo

Author Info

Kate SeRine (pronounced “serene”) is a hopeless romantic who firmly believes in true love that lasts forever. So it's no surprise that when she began writing her own stories, Kate vowed her characters would always have a happily ever after.

Kate lives in a smallish, quintessentially Midwestern town with her husband and two sons, who share her love of storytelling. She never tires of creating new worlds to share and is even now working on her next project—probably while consuming way too much coffee.

Kate is also the author of the award-winning Transplanted Tales paranormal romance series and the Protect & Serve romantic suspense series.

Connect with Kate at,, or on Twitter @KateSeRine.

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads

Rafflecopter Giveaway (a $25.00 Amazon or B&N eGift Card)


“I thought we were safe here,” Sarah said, her arms crossed over her chest.

            “We’re as safe here as anywhere until we get to my place,” Luke assured her.

            She lifted a brow. “Yet you’re acting like you expect someone to come barging in and attack us at any moment.”

            He took a step closer and immediately realized his mistake when his heart started pounding at the nearness of her. Shit. He shoved his hands into his pockets to keep from touching her. “If being paranoid is what’s going to keep you and your son alive,” he said, “then guilty as charged.”

            “Please don’t take this the wrong way, Luke,” she began, edging closer, damn it all, “but why does it matter so much to you if Eli and I are safe? You don’t know us. I get that you’ve been given an order, but I also heard you talking to your commander and know you’d rather be somewhere else. If you’d insisted that someone else watch over us, I would’ve understood. I can just go to the police, tell them what happened. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

            Luke stared at her for a long moment, trying to figure out the answer to her question. Hell if he knew why it mattered so much to him that he keep them safe. In the technical sense, he protected people every day and had for going on fifteen years when he added up his time in the military and then working for the government and now with the Alliance. But she was right—this assignment was hitting him on a level he hadn’t anticipated.

            “I guess because, when I wasn’t much older than Eli, someone took my mother and me in, watched over us when we needed it,” he finally said, not sure where the explanation was even coming from. “And someone else did the same thing for me again a few years ago when I was in a really dark place—except this time the enemy I was up against was myself. If it wasn’t for that person stepping in, I don’t know where I’d be. But dead is a damned good bet.”

            Sarah straightened. “Oh. God. I’m sorry.”

            “Don’t be,” Luke told her. He shook his head as his vision went a little blurry. Suddenly too tired to stand, he leaned against the edge of the sink. “I made a promise to keep you and Eli safe, Sarah. I’ll keep it. There’s no way I’d abandon you, so don’t worry about it.”

            The next thing he knew, Sarah’s arms were around his neck, hugging him tightly. He resisted the urge to wrap his arms around her and hold her close, to bury his face in her hair and let the warmth of her wash over him. But when she pressed a kiss to his cheek and whispered, “Thank you,” in his ear, he almost gave in.

            Fortunately, before he could move, she stepped away and hurried back into the room with Eli, leaving Luke gaping at the empty doorway and wondering exactly what the hell he’d gotten himself into…

DRIVE YOU WILD Review & Giveaway with Jennifer Bernard


Drive You Wild
Love Between the Bases #3

By: Jennifer Bernard

Releasing June 28, 2016


It’s game on for love in the third novel of USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Bernard’s sexy, baseball-themed series.

Kilby Catfish left-fielder Trevor Stark is a ballpark legend. With his good looks, hitting records, and played-for-the-fans arrogance, Trevor makes women lose their minds and men lose their cool. But every time the major league team comes calling, Trevor purposely keeps himself in the tiny Texas town. Why is heart-tuggingly top secret. Until the team owner’s daughter comes to Kilby . . . trying everything up her sexy sleeve to make Trevor talk.

Divorced and disillusioned at twenty-four, Paige Mattingly Austin Taylor is suddenly starting fresh as an intern at Catfish Stadium. She should want nothing to do with the sinfully hot ballplayer her dad warned her to stay away from. But when she discovers what Trevor is hiding from everyone, she realizes there’s much more to him than his face and multi-million-dollar arm. There’s a heart she seriously hopes to win.

Goodreads Link:

Goodreads Series Link:

Buy Links:      Amazon | B & N | Google | iTunes | Kobo

Author Info

Jennifer Bernard
 is a graduate of Harvard and a former news promo producer. The child of academics, she confounded her family by preferring romance novels to … well, any other books. She left big city life for true love in Alaska, where she now lives with her husband and stepdaughters. She’s no stranger to book success, as she also writes erotic novellas under a naughty secret name not to be mentioned at family gatherings.

Author Links:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

There a few things that I love about this series from Bernard but the one that sticks out most that this book isn't about a mlb team but a minor league team which makes it unique.

If you read the previous books you met Trevor and know that he can be a real cocky sob, but after reading his complete story I totally fell in love with him. He's talented, smart and definitely swoon worthy. But he always shows a caring and loving side to not only his sister and Paige but to his teammates.

I liked Paige a lot! Even though she was going through just be divorced by cheating ex she still had that fire to want to change and get back out there. When she first meets Trevor she is attracted to him but as the time goes go she falls in love with the good man that he is that not many others actually get to see.

One thing I loved about this book was the humor. It was fun and I really did have so many favorite parts of this book. One of my favorites is when is Trevor is in his coaches office pants-less and Paige is there but he hasn't noticed her yet. It's a cute scene :-)

Bernard did an excellent job on describing the players on the field when they were playing their games. It felt real as if I was watching it on my tv.

Of course in all romance books we get a little drama and this one isn't any different. Both these characters have a past and both drama is equally distributed between them. It was nice not seeing it all pinned on just one main character.

I really enjoyed that the women from the previous books make more then one appearance. I thought it was great how they just tied right into the story.

There are so many teammates to go and I secretly hope they all end up getting there own book before they are called up to the majors. I also hope that Trevor's sister will end up with her own book as well if she ends up staying in Kirby.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where Bernard takes this series in future books.

Rafflecopter Giveaway (Three (3) Book Bundle Giveaways consisting of CAUGHT BY YOU, DRIVE YOU WILD and a baseball keychain)


“Are you afraid of the mighty Crush Taylor?” She took another step closer. “He’s not as bad as he seems, you know.”

“I’m not afraid of him.” He placed his hands on her shoulders to keep her from coming any closer. Her warmth carried into his skin, into his being, as if it was igniting him from within.

“And I’m not afraid of you.” She ducked underneath his hands in a quick move right out of the NBA. He took a step back and his calves hit the bench situated next to the lockers. She reached out in apology and suddenly they were right smack against each other, chest-to-chest.

Fire flashed down his spine, hot and urgent. He hauled her against him—oh, sweet Lord, she felt good. Soft and firm and shapely and alive and fresh and . . . then her mouth was under his, her lips parting, her breath warm, her flesh lush and sweet. It wasn’t a kiss so much as a head rush.


      Paige posted the first series of “Baseball’s Hottest Outfield” photos on the team’s Facebook page the next day. A few hours later a thousand people had clicked Like. Not only that, but the viewership of the page soared. It was shared all over the Internet, on Pinterest, on Twitter, on Instagram. It wasn’t just that the three men were criminally gorgeous. A big part of the appeal came from their racial mix and the blend of personalities. Trevor the stone-cold badass, Dwight the dynamic charmer, and Shizuko, the soulful rock star.

Paige knew it was all a crock, of course. Trevor wasn’t stone cold, Dwight wasn’t playful all the time, and Shizuko could outcrude most of the clubhouse, and that was saying something. But once those identities became set, people loved them. They were like cartoon characters instead of real people.

At the next game, the crowd roared when the outfielders took their positions on the field. Fans held up even more signs than they normally did. From the owner’s box, Paige scanned the crowd with her binoculars and read the signs out loud to Crush.

“ ‘Kilby Hearts Baseball’s Hottest Outfield.’ Thank you very much, we heart you too! ‘We make ’em hot in Kilby, Texas.’ That might be taking a little too much credit. None of them are from here.”

A Fine Mess Excerpt Blitz by Kelly Siskind


Title: A Fine Mess
Author: Kelly Siskind
Series: Over The Top, #2
On Sale: August 2, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Format: eBook
Price: $3.99 USD

Some guys should come with a warning label…

Sawyer West is Mr. One-Night Stand. He doesn't do relationships or promises or feelings. He's never cared enough to get involved. Until Lily Roberts. She's sweet and shy and sexy as sin, and resisting her is testing his self-control. She believes Sawyer can be a better man, and for the first time in his life, he wants to be. But change isn't easy, and Sawyer would do anything to protect Lily from his past self. Even break his own heart…


My Perfect Mistake, #1

A Fine Mess, #2

Sawyer steps close and waits for me to make eye contact. Slowly, I lift my gaze to his gold-flecked brown eyes, but I can’t find my voice. It’s like I don’t know how to talk to him anymore.
He grins. “Hi.”
From my angle it’s easy to see the scar running down his neck, the remnant of a fall he took through a coffee table while wrestling with his brother. I’ve always wanted to touch it, feel the puckered skin under my fingers. I drop my gaze, but it doesn’t help. The cuffs of his gray button-down are rolled to his elbows, roped muscle exposed below. Something else I’d like to touch. 
I blink hard. “Hi,” I say to my feet.
“Look at me, Lil.” I rock on my heels, then do as asked. He raises an eyebrow. “How fucking weird is this?”
My giggle surprises me, and I loosen my grip on my wineglass. “Totally weird.”
Thank God for Sawyer’s candid nature.
He sips his drink, probably Scotch, and a sheen of liquid clings to his bottom lip.
Touch that arm. Kiss that scar. Taste those lips. None of these urges are new, but they’re heightened. Magnified. He watches me watching him, his gaze as probing as mine. What is he thinking? 
Then the music changes.
A remix of Madonna’s “Holiday” plays, and Sawyer does Sawyer. He tips his head to the right, his shoulders following, then he pushes out his hip and rolls his torso through. The guy does body waves, alternating from side to side, like he’s in an eighties music video. 
People stop. People look. People laugh.
I snort, an unattractive sound I make when my laughter takes over. Sawyer says it sounds like a hyena with sleep apnea. When I snort a second time, he dances harder, and I crack up. My belly aches as he gets into it, the entire room watching now. 
I suck in a breath, place my empty glass on the table behind me, then clasp his shoulders. “What are you doing?”
He stops dancing. “Making things less weird.”
“Less? What about you channeling Paula Abdul is less weird?”
“Did you laugh?”
I grin.
Then he says, “I’m sorry.”
The music vibrates in my chest, or maybe it’s his proximity. “Sorry about what?”
“Last week, when you called, I was a dick. You caught me by surprise, and I didn’t handle it well. So, I’m sorry.”
His admission pumps through my core like helium, my body nearly weightless. The confession shouldn’t be surprising, not with how he speaks his mind, but it’s been a week of silence. I was losing hope things could return to the way they were, or progress past it. I step closer, so he can hear me over the noise. “Apology accepted, but do I get an explanation?”
He drags his gaze down my body. It’s a thorough perusal—intimate, penetrating—flames sparking along my skin. His eyes linger on me, but he doesn’t speak. He rolls the pinky ring on his left hand the way he does when he’s puzzling something out. An ache travels up my thighs, heat expanding below my ribs. The longer he stays quiet, the more my skin tingles. 
Finally, he releases his ring and slides his hand over my lower back. He leans forward and whispers, “I’ve wanted to do very dirty things to you and with you since Aspen, but I care about you too much to act on it. Hence my dickishness and the weirdness.”



A small-town girl at heart, Kelly moved from the city to open a cheese shop with her husband in Northern Ontario. When she's not neck deep in cheese or out hiking, you can find her, notepad in hand, scribbling down one of the many plot bunnies bouncing around in her head. 

She laughs at her own jokes and has been known to eat her feelings-Gummy Bears heal all. She's also an incurable romantic, devouring romance novels into the wee hours of the morning.


RELEASE BLITZ : Boss Box Set by Rae Lynn Blaise

Title: Boss Box Set
Series: Boss #1-5
Author: Rae Lynn Blaise
Genre: Mob BDSM Romance 
 Release Date: June 30, 2016


Book 1

"Six years ago, I made a deal with the devil.
Six years ago, I delivered a package to a man that made me tremble - in fear and in lust.
Six years ago, I barely walked away with my life.
Today, that man became my boss. And I'm still trembling."

Book 2

"There is more to my boss than I ever expected - more needs.
But then, there's more to me than he knows - more wants.
Together, we could start fires with our scorching heat.
But how hot can we get before I am burned alive?"

Book 3

"My past is threatening to overwhelm me, to destroy what happiness I have found.
My lover, my boss has a past as well, but he won't let me in.
I'll do anything for him to let me in - anything.
But can I survive the secrets I uncover?"

Book 4

"I'm afraid I'll be destroyed the same way my sister was.
I want to understand his secrets, I want him to protect me, but now he has me under his control.
I'm afraid I'll disappear and no one will even know I was here.
I can't stop, though...because I'm falling in love."

Book 5

"He’s betrayed me in the worst possible way.
My heart wants it to be a mistake.
My mind has me on the run, for my life.
Will I survive without him? Do I want to?"

Purchase Links


Author Bio

Tattooed connoisseur of smut. Compulsive writer of any sexy idea that drifts through my mind. Hurricanes and hot guys always welcome.

Author Links

RELEASE BLITZ & Giveaway: Yesterday's Tomorrows by M.E. Montgomery

Title: Yesterday’s Tomorrows
Author: M.E. Montgomery
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2016


If growing up in her home wasn’t enough to shatter Madelyn Stone’s illusions of happily ever after, then serving several years behind bars certainly was. Her crime? Believing in family and growing up on the wrong side of the tracks. She’s learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a prince in shining armor.

Between a career in the Marines and plans to marry his childhood sweetheart, Holten Andrews had his future all mapped out…until life took an unexpected, heart-ripping turn. Now he’s moved on with a new career in law and vows to confine women to one of three categories: family, professional, and f*ckable. No blurring the lines. Ever.

Love is the last thing on Maddy’s mind as she attempts to forge a new path out of the wreckage of her life. Holt’s sense of loyalty is rocked when he’s blindsided by feelings for a woman he would normally condemn. When revelations from Maddy’s past threaten her, Maddy has to put her faith in Holt, while Holt fights not to lose the one woman who blurred all of his lines. Every choice they make will figure into whether or not they can make yesterday’s dreams still come true tomorrow.

Purchase Links

** 99c for release day only!**


Author Bio

M.E. Montgomery has been an avid reader her entire life, and after falling in love with so many characters created by other authors, a new one began to form in her head. With the support of her family, she decided to to write it.

She is the homework queen to her four school aged children who think she is a genius in math, science, history and spelling. Fortunately, her biology and elementary school teaching background help her to keep up the expert façade, at least for now.

Although born and raised in the Washington DC metro area, she has considered many places to be called home since she left to attend college in North Carolina. She is a proud Navy wife, setting up a home wherever the Navy sends her husband. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves to go camping with her family, drink wine on the deck, and be swept off to romantic getaways.

Author Links



RELEASE BLITZ & Giveaway: Bet Me Something by Aubrey Bondurant

Title: Bet Me Something
Series: The Something Series #3
Author: Aubrey Bondurant
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 30, 2016


Being able to stand on your own two feet, sometimes requires getting knocked off them completely... 

McKenzie “Kenzie” Lane is newly graduated from college and looking forward to a dream internship she has lined up for the summer in LA. Unfortunately, her controlling mother has other plans. 

Colby Singer, with his hot-as-sin looks and wicked charm, is never without attention from the ladies. Despite suspecting how Kenzie feels about him, he’s always kept her comfortably off-limits since she’s the baby sister of one of his best friends. But when he’s determined to distract her temporarily from the stress of her mother’s ultimatum, deciding to show her some fun, he quickly finds that keeping her in the friend zone is not as easy as he’d hoped. 

Once Kenzie realizes this may be her last opportunity to gauge her long-time crush’s true feelings, she puts it all out there in the form of a bet. It's the perfect idea for her perfect man. 

Until he isn’t. 

Will a dose of reality lead to true love? Or will it crash and burn before it can even get started? 

Full Length Standalone book with no cliffhanger. Third book of the “Something Series”

Recommended for mature readers due to situations of language, and sexual content. 

Purchase Links


Also Available



Author Bio

Aubrey Bondurant loves to read, write and travel. When she isn't working full time or spending time with her family, she puts her fingers to keyboard and crafts a story.

As a former member of the military, she's passionate about veteran charities and giving back to the community.

Her writing style is a combination of chick lit and erotic romance or "smutty chick lit" as she calls it. The "Something Series" will consist of 5 books. The first one, Tell Me Something came out in June 2015. The second book, Ask Me Something will be out in November 2015.

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