Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A COMMON SCANDAL Excerpt & Giveaway with Amanda Weaver

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The Grantham Girls #2
Amanda Weaver
Releasing May 30th, 2016
Carina Press

Finishing school taught Amelia Wheeler how to put on a well-mannered performance—when she’s not bored and looking for trouble. Lady Grantham’s is behind her and now it's time for Amelia to keep her promise to her dying mother: marry a title and leave her wild days behind.

That promise would be much easier to keep if Nate Smythe hadn’t just reappeared in a London ballroom. The son of an impoverished sailor, Nate—Natty, as he used to be called—has grown up to become handsome, rich and polished. He claims to be looking for a proper bride who can advance his business interests, but that doesn’t stop him from seeking out Amelia every chance he gets. Challenging her. Kissing her.

Suddenly, struggling against her simmering passion is the least of Amelia's problems—one of her titled suitors is hiding a desperate secret that could stop Amelia from pleasing her parents or finding happiness with Nate. As a weeklong house party threatens to derail her hard-won future, Amelia must decide: fight against disaster or act like the lady she's promised to become?

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Despite knowing the sort of marriage she was destined for, she’d resisted making a choice for so long because she’d hoped in time she might encounter a suitable man who sparked some kind of fire in her. But not once, in all her forays into Society, had she met a man who raised more than mild curiosity. She’d read about flaming passions and heated kisses in the lurid, forbidden novels she had traded with Vic and Grace, but her blood had never been stirred by a flesh-and-blood male. She’d begun to think those passions were the invention of novelists and no man could ever make her feel that way. And now one had, and he was hopelessly out of her reach. It was wretched, wanting something she couldn’t have.

“What’s the verdict? Does Cheadle love you madly or not?”

She didn’t trust herself to look at Natty, knowing her insides would plunge in an unwelcome, delicious way. When he came near her, it was as if her whole body stretched luxuriously and unfurled. Terribly unhelpful, when she was determined to send him packing and behave.

“I’m sure the answer will always be ‘not’, regardless of the state of the petals and irrespective of whatever he might proclaim. Isn’t Lady Julia waiting for her glass of punch or something?”


“The lovely Lady Julia Harrow. I saw you sitting with her. Surely she’s missed you by now.”

“Somehow I doubt it,” he muttered. “And what of Cheadle? Surely he’s climbing the walls pining after you.”

She sighed and turned to face him, tossing the last of the ruined flower to the ground and brushing her gloved fingers together. “You know he’s not, Natty. Men don’t pine after me, only my money. The only reason anyone at these things speaks to me is because of my fortune.”

“I’m speaking to you and I have my own fortune, thank you very much.”

“You only speak to me to tease me.”

“You used to like it when I teased you.”

“I’m not a child anymore.”


The word hung between them for a moment, rife with meaning. He might have only meant she was all grown-up and out in Society, except his eyes made a lightning- fast perusal of her body as he said it, so fast, he was likely unaware he’d done it. In a rush, it broke over her that Natty was aware of her in the same way she was aware of him. Not as an old playmate from his childhood. As a woman. He was as affected as she was, even if he was spending his evening paying court to Julia Harrow.

His eyes made their way back to hers and they both held the gaze. This newly discovered knowledge sizzled through her body. Her skin flushed and her breaths grew shallow. Natty’s eyes stared into hers. His lips parted slightly, as if he, too, was baffled by this sudden shift in the air. The atmosphere around them felt charged, the way it did when thunder began rattling the windows and lightning lit the night sky, but still the rain refused to fall. At any minute the clouds could collide and deluge the world, but until then, all the energy of the universe danced on the breeze.

She wanted to tease and flirt with him to see how far things would progress. She wanted to see the skies open up. She wanted to be drenched by the rain.

About the Author

Amanda Weaver has loved romance since she read that very first Kathleen E. Woodiwiss novel at fifteen. After a long detour into a career as a costume designer in theatre, she’s found her way back to romance, this time as a writer.

A native Floridian, Amanda transplanted to New York City many years ago and now considers Brooklyn home, along with her husband, daughter, two cats, and nowhere near enough space.


KISS ME THAT WAY Review & Giveaway with Laura Trentham

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Cottonbloom #1
Laura Trentham
Releasing May 31st, 2016
St. Martin's Paperbacks

A river divides Cottonbloom in two: the upscale enclave on the Mississippi side and the rundown, rough and tumble side in Louisiana. They’re worlds apart—but nothing can build a bridge like love…

Cade Fournette never had it easy Cottonbloom. He stuck around long enough to raise his orphaned siblings and then hightailed it out West—and never looked back. Even though he’s made a success of himself in Seattle, Cade never lost the toughness and the angry edge that helped him survive down South. His only weak spot: the girl he left behind…

Monroe Kirby came from the wealthy side of town, but that didn’t protect her from her mother’s drinking—or her mother’s boyfriend. It was Cade who did that, on a long-ago hot September night, before he disappeared…along with a piece of her heart. Now Monroe is a physical therapist who can fight for herself, and it’s Cade who could use some conditioning when he makes an unexpected return back home. Will he and Monroe pick up where they left off and finally explore their mutual passion—or will the scars and secrets of the past divide them once more?

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Kiss Me That Way is the first book in another small town romance by Trentham. In this story we meet Monroe who was from a middle class and Cade who is known as a "river rat". Both hero and heroine grew up differently then each other but they still had problems.

While Monroe lived in a nice house and pretty much got everything she had asked for she had a alcoholic mother and had to deal with cleaning up after her. She was almost raped one night by her mothers boyfriend but got away which lead her to meeting Cade. Cade was content in life until his parents were killed when he was a teenager. After that he had to step up to take care of his younger brother and sister by dropping out of high school, working many jobs and stealing just so they would be fed. Late one night he comes across a 13 year old and they becomes close and share secrets. This friendship lasts a few years until Cade leaves town and Monroe hasn't heard from him since.

Now as an adult Monroe teaches self defense classes for young women so they are never put in the position she was when she was a child. She has grown into a lovely independent woman but she never could forget her secret friend Cade or the way he protected her. Now Cade is back and Monroe is helping him with his physical therapy but the more time these two spend together the more their chemistry grows and it's only a matter of time before choices have to be made.

One thing that I really liked was that this story was different. While both characters came from different social settings they had a strong friendship and very real but different problems. As adults I really enjoyed how they both changed. While Cade might have money now his self esteem isn't all there.

Trentham delivers another read that I just couldn't put down. While it contained some serious subjects and emotional moments it also had the cute and funny moments added in as well.

I'm really looking forward to reading more of this new series and I can't wait to learn more about Cade's siblings.

Don't miss the next Cottonbloom romance 
coming June 2016

About the Author

An award-winning author, Laura Trentham was born and raised in a small town in Tennessee. Although, she loved English and reading in high school, she was convinced an English degree equated to starvation. She chose the next most logical major—Chemical Engineering—and worked in a hard hat and steel toed boots for several years.

She writes sexy, small town contemporaries and smoking hot Regency historicals. The first two books of her Falcon Football series were named Top Picks by RT Book Reviews magazine. When not lost in a cozy Southern town or Regency England, she's shuttling kids to soccer, helping with homework, and avoiding the Mt. Everest-sized pile of laundry that is almost as large as the to-be-read pile of books on her nightstand.


Primal Instinct Review & Giveaway with Tara Wyatt


Title:  Primal Instinct
Author: Tara Wyatt
Series: Bodyguard, #2
On Sale: May 31, 2016
Formats: Mass Market & eBook
Price: $5.99 USD


The first time he lays eyes on Taylor Ross in a bar, Colt Priestley does something few men would dare to do. He approaches the world-famous singer, shamelessly flirts with her, and gives her a night in his bed that neither of them will soon forget.

When Taylor's record label hires a bodyguard to keep tabs on the out-of-control rocker, she's less than thrilled to find it's her off-the-charts one-night stand who shows up for the job. She's terrified of letting herself fall for the damaged ex-Army Ranger, and she's determined to push him away. Yet every moment they're together simmers with tension. As the danger from an obsessed stalker mounts, Taylor and Colt are tempted to cross that line again-baring their hearts and souls as well as their bodies-and there's no telling how hot this song will get.

This is my first book by Wyatt and I'm happy to say it won't be last! It was sexy, funny and a page turner from the moment I started it. I didn't want to stop reading it and I was so glad I decided to read it on the weekend. 

Since I didn't read the first book in the series I was very glad that I wasn't lost with the characters. I'm glad I met the characters in this book first though because it made sure to mark want to read for the first book especially if it's anything like this one. 

Colt was fired for a mistake he made at the previous bodyguard service that he worked for. Now he's been doing independent contracts. Colt heads to the bar one night looking to get drunk, in a fight or loose himself in a one night stand but he never thought his one night stand would be with Taylor. Now that's he's had her he never wants to let her go but to convince Taylor well that's another story. 

Taylor fell in love then basically made some really bad public decisions. Her new album is difficult to write and honestly it's not getting easier. After the night she spends with Colt she finds out her record label wants to hire her a bodyguard to help her get the job done so she has two choices.. Go along with the bodyguard thing or be dropped. When Taylor agrees and sees one of her bodyguards is in fact Colt she will do whatever it takes to stay away from him but in the end it might not be enough. 

This story had some really funny parts. Colt and Taylor embark on this prank war and OMG it's flat out the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Wyatt used her imagination when coming up with these. I was honestly laughing so hard my stomach was hurting and tears were streaming down my cheeks. The only part I didn't like is when it stopped I mean I understand there relationship was growing but man did I miss those prank moments. 

These two characters were great together and I really loved the spark they had. Colt comes off a little cocky but wow this man was sweet, hot, and the way he spoke yum! Taylor was not a diva thank god, but I love how she brought up her past and where she came from. Both these two characters didn't have the best of pasts so I really did love the bonding over those talks. 

Sometimes suspense romances have either too much action/ suspense or not enough, with this story I felt it was just enough. It wasn't also back to back which was a strong point for me I loved the breathing room and the twist in the danger Wyatt included. 

I can honestly say I highly recommend this book and I can't wait for more. This is definitely a series I want to explore more of not only for the characters but for the different storylines that are bound to come up in future books.

Necessary Risk, #1
Primal Instinct, #2
Chain Reaction, #3 (February 2017)


From his little table in the corner, Ronnie adjusted his glasses as he watched Taylor walk out of the bar, herfingers laced with those of the brute whod intruded onthem earlier. He finished the rest of his Coke and slammedthe empty glass down. Possessive anger coupled with analmost blind- ing jealousy churned through him. Itd beenhard to watch that interaction, and now she was leavingwith him? Hed been much happier watching her whileshed been alone, even if shed looked sad.
He knew he shouldnt have gone over and talked toherbut he couldnt help himself. Hed been warned, but noone knew what they were talking about. They didnt see.They couldnt see. He loved her, and she loved him. Soon,every- one would know, and everyone whod called himcrazy and obsessed and delusional would fucking see.
Ever since hed first heard her sing, hed known hewas listening to the future mother of his children.
He dropped a five on the table and pushed his way out of the bar, getting in his car just in time to follow Taylor.He had to. He couldnt let her go off alone with that brute,un- protected. And if she was going to betray him, heneeded to know. He needed to see.
Because Taylor was his. Every part of her. Hergorgeous blond hair, those huge, blue eyes, the long, leanbody. The incredible voice. The skilled hands. Her mind.Her soul. Her body.
She belonged to him.


Tara Wyatt is a contemporary romance author who's been making up love stories ever since she fell head over heels for the Backstreet Boys almost twenty years ago. Winner of the Unpublished Winter Rose Award, Linda Howard Award of Excellence and the Heart of the West Award, Tara lives in Hamilton, Ontario with the cutest dog in the world and a husband that makes all of her heroes look like chumps.



Spotlight: Gambled Away by Various Authors

Playlist Story:

This is such a fun playlist because there are so many factors at work. First we had five different authors writing in five different worlds – from ancient China to the Wild West. Second, in each of the books one of the characters is gambled away (my very favorite historical romance trope). And finally like any good play list – there’s a fabulous mix of songs and genres! Including – of course – some Kenny Rogers. 


Joanna Bourne

Bill Leslie – “Pungo Gumbo”

Three Days Grace – “Get Out Alive”

The Highwaymen – “Highwaymen”

Isabel Cooper

Al Bowlly – “Midnight, The Stars and You”
Duke Ellington “Stardust”
Alison Krauss – “Down To The River To Pray”

Rose Lerner

Click Five - "The Flipside". Waiting for the day when I'm complete/without you, doing what I can to let you be. A rather passive-aggressive but genuinely sad song about a breakup is for my hero Simon and his ex-boyfriend Clement. 

The Pretenders - "Don't Get Me Wrong." I'm thinking about the fireworks that go off when you smile. This feels really right for the crush Maggie has on Simon at the beginning of the story: uncomplicated, sexy, eager and exhilarating.

Selena Gomez - "Good for You." Gonna wear that dress you like, skin-tight/Do my hair up real, real nice/And syncopate my skin to how you're breathing. This song is so hot, and the combination of confidence, longing, and dressing to impress feels really right for Maggie.

Molly O’Keefe

Johnny Cash – “Hurt” Oh, this is just one of the most painfully stark and beautiful covers ever. It’s a visceral description of addiction and loathing. It fits both James and Helen. 

Kenny Rogers – “The Gambler”  Too easy? Too much? Too totally on the nose? Yes. Probably. But I guarantee you will be singing this for the rest of the day.

Lesley Gore – “You Don’t Own Me.” I feel like this is Helen’s mantra as she’s forced to sing suspended in that birdcage.

Excerpt from All or Nothing by Rose Lerner:

Thought I'd post a teaser from one of my favorite scenes in my story...they've just arrived at Simon's ex-boyfriend's house party where Maggie is pretending to be Simon's mistress. (Maggie's gambling den has a 1790s theme so her clothes are a little poofier and more frou-frou than contemporary ones: http://regencyfashion.org/images/i-heid/nh5-6.jpeg)


She’d brought two enormous trunks of clothes with her, insisting they were necessary both for the charade and to prevent them from being stolen in her absence. “I’m sorry, I know I’m disgustingly particular,” she told the maid who’d come up with the trunks. “But all these petticoats have got to be hung up, and not pressed all together either.” Maggie darted a ruthless smile at Simon. “If you’ve got to squash something, squash HIS things.”

The maid smiled hesitantly, unwilling to risk annoying Simon.

The threat to his clothes did not annoy him. Nor did it annoy him that it looked as if a muslin factory had exploded over half the bed. Spangles, embroidery, stripes...all of which Maggie ignored to set out her hairpins on the dressing table, and her hairbrush and jewelry. Unwinding a shawl from around a little painted cut-glass perfume bottle, she set the bottle by the mirror as carefully as if it were a Crown Jewel. Simon felt dizzy, remembering the scent of tuberoses.

Men were SUPPOSED to be annoyed at being surrounded by a froth of femininity, weren’t they? But he wasn’t sure why. In this case 'froth' was not a strong enough word—the room was rapidly becoming a whipped custard, a meringue, or perhaps a many-layered trifle of femininity—and Simon just wanted to roll her into that cloud of muslin and kiss her. 

But he had resolved with himself not to. THAT was what annoyed him.

THE DARKEST TORMENT Release Week Blitz & Giveaway with Gena Showalter


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The Queen of Paranormal Romance, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Gena Showalter, returns with THE DARKEST TORMENT, the eagerly anticipated twelfth novel in her Lords of the Underworld series, available now! Grab your copy today!

Get your copy of THE DARKEST TORMENT here!

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New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with her most explosive Lords of the Underworld tale to date, about a fierce warrior on the brink of sanity who will stop at nothing to claim the exquisite human with the power to soothe the beast inside him…

Driven to his death by the demon of Distrust, Baden spent centuries in purgatory. Now he’s back, but at what cost? Bound to the king of the underworld, an even darker force, he’s unable to withstand the touch of another…and he’s quickly devolving into a heartless assassin with an uncontrollable temper. Things only get worse when a mission goes awry and he finds himself saddled with a bride—just not his own.

Famed dog trainer Katarina Joelle is forced to marry a monster to protect her loved ones. When she’s taken hostage by the ruthless, beautiful Baden immediately after the ceremony, she’s plunged into a war between two evils—with a protector more dangerous than the monsters he hunts. They are meant to be enemies, but neither can resist the passion burning between them…and all too soon the biggest threat is to her heart.

But as Baden slips deeper into the abyss, she’ll have to teach him to love…or lose him forever.

Add it to your Goodreads Now!

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And don’t miss the previous titles in the Lords of the Underworld Series!












    TheDarkestTorment - Available Now     Author pic- Gena ShowalterAbout Gena Showalter: Gena Showalter is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the spellbinding Lords of the Underworld and Angels of the Dark series, two young adult series–Everlife and the White Rabbit Chronicles–and the highly addictive Original Heartbreakers series. In addition to being a National Reader’s Choice and two time RITA nominee, her romance novels have appeared in Cosmopolitan (Red Hot Read) and Seventeen magazine, she’s appeared on Nightline and been mentioned in Orange is the New Black–if you ask her about it, she’ll talk for hours…hours! Her books have been translated in multiple languages. She’s hard at work on her next novel, a tale featuring an alpha male with a dark side and the strong woman who brings him to his knees. You can learn more about Gena, her menagerie of rescue dogs, and all her upcoming books at genashowalter.com or Facebook.com/genashowalterfan    

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