Sed squeezed to stand between Jessica’s chair and the dining table. He leaned against the table’s edge in front of her and crossed his arms over his chest. Her stack of books blocked, Jessica looked up at him, her jade green eyes wide in question.
“You’re taking the day off,” he told her.
She shook her head. “I can’t, Sed. I have paper to write. Finals in three weeks. The sexual harassment lawsuit I’m working on. And I need to study for the bar exam.”
“All work and no play makes me a bored guy. One day off won’t hurt. You’ve been studying nonstop since I got home last week.”
“You’re sitting on my book.” She tried yanking the book from beneath his butt, but he refused to budge. These books were getting far more attention than he was.
“It’s a library book.”
She lifted both brows at him and shook her head. “You’re naked.”
“I’m surprised you noticed.”
“Do you even know what today is?”
“Sunday,” she said.
“Easter Sunday.”
“So, we’re going to my parents’ house. My mom planned this huge family get-together and she said she’s expecting us at one o’clock. I haven’t seen any of my family since Christmas.”
Jessica rubbed her forehead and scowled. “You know I love your family, baby, but I really need to stay here and study. Why don’t you go without me? I’ll be fine here by myself.”
“I’m not going without you,” he said.
“I can’t go. It’s not that I don’t want to—”
There was only one way to get this woman to agree to anything. Kiss her senseless. He leaned close and brushed his lips against hers.
“Sed, I have to—“
He kissed her again, brushing his tongue over her upper lip as he drew away.
“—get this—”
He kissed her again and stifled a grin when her arms wrapped around his body. Her hands slid up his back and he shuddered. If she was trying to fend off his attempts at seduction, she knew better than to touch his back. Especially when he was already naked. He drew her from the chair and pressed her against the length of his body.
“Okay,” she gasped. “One quickie, but then I have to get back to studying.”
He nibbled her ear. “That’s not the correct answer,” he said.
“It’s not?”
“No, the correct answer is: I’ve been working too hard and ignoring my sexy fiancé. I know this family ordeal means a lot to him, so I’m going to take a break from studying for a few hours before I forget what the sky looks like.”
“Does it really mean that much to you?” she asked.
She smiled and cupped is face in both hands. “Fine, I’ll go, but no complaints out of you tonight. I’ll have to stay up late studying and that means…”
His nose crinkled with displeasure. “No sex.”
“Baby, you’re going to wear yourself out.” And he wasn’t just saying that because he wasn’t going to get any tonight. She had dark circles under her eyes and a hollowness to her lovely face that concerned him.
“I’m already worn out, but it’s just a few more weeks. As soon as I pass the bar exam, we’ll go on a vacation somewhere. Just the two of us. And tour all kinds of public places for naughty fun.”
He brushed strands of strawberry blonde hair from her face. “You mean that?”
She smiled up at him. “Yeah, I mean it. I can’t wait.”
“You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah, I know. I love you, too, or there is no way I’d give up a day of studying.”
“We’ll keep the visit short. I don’t want you to miss out on sleep.”
She chuckled and planted a kiss on one of his pecs. “Still no sex tonight, Sed.”
Sed stood in the shade of a tree at the far end of his parents’ perfectly tended lawn. Brightly colored eggs peppered the landscape. The younger members of his extended family—mostly cousins—were congregated on the patio near the sliding glass doors. The young gents were dressed in shorts or suits, with bowties or sweater vests. Most of them swung their Easter baskets around like weapons. A few of them pushed at the little girls (sweet angels in brightly colored sundresses), corralling them closer to the house, to gain some sort of advantage when they were set free on the unsuspecting eggs.
Sed was dressed in… well, he’d rather not think about it. He was sweating as if he’d just performed a six-hour-long concert. The guy Sed’s mother had hired to wear this stifling contraption had suffered from heatstroke for a reason. That guy was now resting comfortably in an air-conditioned hospital room. Sed was not so lucky.
“Are you ready?” Jessica asked.
He had to turn his head to look at her as his peripheral vision was blocked by the thing on his head.
She patted his butt, though he could scarcely feel it through all the padding—the thick, stifling, incredibly hot padding. Dear lord, how had she talked him into this?
“What do I have to get ready for? I just have to stand here and pretend like I laid a bunch of brightly colored eggs, right?”
“They’ll be excited to see you,” Jessica said.
“I’m sweating my ass off.”
“I love you,” she said and protruded her lower lip in a pout.
This was why he was the one wearing the damned rabbit suit instead of her. That and it was designed for a tall man, but not one quite so broad through the shoulders. He somehow managed to hold his giant Easter basket with one fluff-covered oven mitt, but he couldn’t lift his arms. The basket just sort of dangled down around his huge, fluffy feet. At least the guys of his band, Sinners, weren’t around. He’d never live this down in a million years.
The patio door slid open and Sed’s heart sank as his band’s drummer, Eric Sticks, stepped onto the patio. What was he doing here? Tall and lanky, Eric grabbed the nearest kid and proceeded to turn him into a human airplane, complete with all the appropriate flying noises.
Brightly colored eggs forgotten for the moment, the entire group of kids surrounded Eric’s long legs. They all chanted a chorus of, “Me, next. Me, next.”
Sed took a step back to stand behind Jessica, hoping that his fiancée’s beauty would distract Eric and he wouldn’t notice the six-and-a-half-feet tall rabbit (eight feet if you included the ears) near the fence. About halfway through the fourth airplane ride, Sinners’ bassist, Jace Seymour stepped on the patio. He rolled his eyes at Eric and shook his head. “Acting like a kid again?” Undeterred by Jace’s criticism, Eric laughed and deposited a five-year-old in Jace’s arms. Jace held the kid at arm’s length and stared at him as if he wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at or what he should do with it.
“You have an earring like a girl!” the kid declared.
Jace said and set the kid down without so much as a woosh or a shake for turbulence. “I thought Sed was out here,” he said to Eric.
“Do you kids know where your old cousin, Sed, is?” Eric asked, holding a kid perched belly-down on each shoulder as props in his biplane bit.
Sed hoped his white rabbit camouflage would allow him to blend in with the picket fence behind him. Not that it mattered. Twenty-some-odd, child-sized index fingers pointed in his general direction.
Hmm, so apparently his young cousins didn’t believe he was the real Easter bunny after all.
“I didn’t realize the guys were coming,” Jessica whispered apologetically. “Your mom must have invited them.”
Jace stared at Sed in abject horror.
Eric burst out laughing. “Priceless!” He dug his cell phone out of his pocket and started snapping pictures. “Oh yes, this is going on our Facebook page.”
“Eric, don’t you dare,” Sed growled in his most authoritative voice. It didn’t have quite the same affect when echoing around in a giant rabbit head. Sed waddled down the yard, attempting to avoid the eggs on the ground. Not really succeeding at that so well.
“What in the—“ Jace muttered.
“Okay, kids! Go get the eggs!” Eric shouted, using the chaos to distract Sed so he could take more pictures.
“Wait for your parents!” Sed yelled. Too late. A rush of young people darted in Sed’s direction. He was completely surrounded in seconds.
“You’re stepping on my egg!” one of his cousin’s said. Sed couldn’t see which cousin through the little eye holes in his huge, rabbit bubble head.
“Sorry,” Sed said and lifted one furry foot.
“The other foot!”
Something tugged hard on his butt. Or rather, on his adorable fluffy tail. A chorus of giggles drifted up from somewhere around hip level. Sed spun around.
“Get his tail!” Eric said from behind him.
Apparently, yanking on Sed’s tail was a lot more entertaining than hunting for eggs. As was taking a running leap and ricocheting off Sed’s big fluffy bunny arse. Someone grabbed his big fluffy bunny cheeks (the ones on his face) and spun the head of his costume ninety degrees. He couldn’t see a damned thing. He tried to right the costume’s head, but his arms remained trapped at chest level.
“He’s going for the end zone,” rhythm guitarist, Trey Mills’ voice came from his right. Something careened into Sed from the side. “Take down!”
Center of gravity completely off with his bunny legs holding his thighs together, Sed hit the ground hard. Lucky for him, the cushion on his big fluffy bunny hips absorbed the majority of the force.
“I’m gonna kill you guys when I get out of this thing,” Sed growled.
“Rabbit pile!” Brian, lead guitarist of Sinners, yelled.
Oh great, his entire band was witness to his humiliation.
“Omph!” Sed gasped as he was buried beneath a pile of bodies.
“Kill duh wabbit! Kill duh wabbit!” Eric sang in his best Elmer Fudd voice.
They were killing him all right. Sed struggled to rise, but to no avail. He tipped over, trapped on his back like a tortoise in the desert.
“Everyone off Sed,” Jessica said.
Someone grabbed his long, fluffy bunny ears and tugged the head of his costume off. Taking greedy gulps of fresh air, Sed blinked in the bright southern Californian sunshine. Jessica appeared upside down above him.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Do I look okay?”
She bit her lip, her mouth twisting as she tried not to laugh at him. She snorted instead. She knelt at his head and touched his face with one hand. “You’re all sweaty.”
Several of the kids were climbing up his big bunny pop belly and sliding down the other side.
“I don’t know who gives me more grief: my band, my family, or my woman.”
“You have to admit that was pretty funny,” Eric said.
“You think bullying the Easter bunny on Easter is funny?” Sed asked.
“You’re right,” Eric said, somehow maintaining a straight face. “It’s not funny.”
“It’s hilarious,” Jessica said and burst out laughing.
It was pretty funny. Sed chuckled and shook his head. “I hope you know, this means war. We’ll be back on the road in ten days. The only one who might be safe from retaliation is Jace.”
“He joined in on the rabbit pile,” Brian said and gave Jace a hard shove in the shoulder.
Jace flushed and found what was left of a smashed dandelion-yellow egg in the grass incredibly interesting.
“No one is safe, then,” Sed said. “You guys are going down.”
Jessica leaned over and kissed him. “But not me, right? I saved you.”
“You can make it up to me in other ways,” he suggested.
She claimed his lips for a deeper kiss.
“Ewwww!” one of Sed’s young cousins complained. “Girl germs.”
“Tasty girl germs,” Sed murmured.
Jessica kissed her way along his jaw and whispered in his ear, “I don’t know if it’s the fluffy tail, the long ears, or the big feet, but when I get you home, you are so getting some. Forget studying. I’ll just have to take a B on that paper.”
Sed laughed. “Wow, you must be in the mood.”
“I think I have a previously undiscovered rabbit fetish.”
“Oh really,” Eric said. He retrieved the big bunny head with its freakishly large, violet eyes and put it on. He spread his arms wide and wiggled his hips. “Does this do anything for you, Jess?”
Jessica chuckled. “Sorry, Eric. Sed’s the only wascally wabbit I want.”
“Oh yeah. Sed’s a regular playboy bunny,” Trey said and laughed. “Are your sisters around, Sed? Last year they remembered to save me all their cherry jelly beans and I have a serious craving for some of that.”
“Touch my sisters and you die, Mills.”
Because Olivia Cunning is so Awesome she will be giving away a signed copy of Rock Hard. All you have to do is leave a comment with which Sinner you would want to spend your Easter with and Why?
- This contest is only open to U.S. Residents only
Good Luck

I would choose Sed. Anyone who would dress up in a bunny costume for children would be a great guy.
ReplyDeleteI would love to receive a signed copy of the book. I love signed books!
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
LOL, love that Sed was talked into wearing the Bunny costume...he's such a big marshmallow at heart.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to pick Trey. I have a cherry jellybean fetish myself...
I would want to spend Easter with Sed. What an awesome sport he is to dress up as the Easter Bunny!
ReplyDeleteWould love to win an autographed copy of Rock Hard.
Happy Easter!
All the Sinners are sexy--Brian's sensitivity, Sed's alpha-maleness, Jace's shyness, Trey's sensuality--but I'd choose Eric because he seems the most fun. He's wascally all the time :-)
ReplyDeleteJillynn at aol dot com
I choose Eric this Easter! He never gets any love and he was playing with the kids too!
ReplyDeleteVery Cute! Good to See what Sed is up to
ReplyDeleteOMG...too cute for words who doesn't love reading a short story about one of the hottest bands celebrating Easter. And then you get Sed of all band members in a Easter Bunny it. I do love all the band Members but i truly would mind in a little insight to Trey and his Easter egg hunt "wink wink"...just imagining Trey and cherry jelly beans gives me the goosebumps. Great short story always love to read your work and look forward to more short stories insights.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhich Sinner . . . Hmm, well it's still a toss up for me, between Jace and Trey. I've already been threatened within an inch of my life for even thinking of one of them . . but which one was it?!?! Oh Geez, I forgot . . I guess that means I'm still lusting after them both.
ReplyDeletePick . . I must pick . . I must pick ONE! Ja . No Tre . . Jace . . Jace is my pick. Because he seems to be able handle things nicely behind closed doors and otherwise. He is also a little freaky!
Thanks for the short story Olivia.
ladybug07999 at yahoo dot com
Gotta be Jayce. A snuggle bunny in leather is always a good idea.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the story, Olivia! As always, you ROCK!
Jen Dierks
I would pick Jace, I think... He seems like a tortured soul who needs some good lovin.
That was a great one, Olivia! What a big softy Sed is. How funny picturing him in the bunny suit. LOL
ReplyDeleteNot sure I could actually pick just one to spend easter with. I'll have to think on that for awhile. ;-)
I would pick Jace- he seems like he would be alot of fun and of all of Sed's bandmates he seems the most laid back:)
Do we really have to pick just one? I would pick Brian because he would pick some romantic way to spend the day.
Definitely Sed! He's just too cute! And oh so talented.
ReplyDeletePick me! Pick me! Pick me!
I'd go with the combination of Jace & Trey. Together they are just enough off-center to make life very very interesting.
ReplyDeleteI will take all of them...they are so hot and cute. I am looking forward to reading this book.
ReplyDeletekoonie2888 at yahoo dot com
Kill the WABBIT!!! LOL Olivia, blast you, now I'm going to have that song in my head all day! This was a WONDERFUL story, especially after just finishing ROCK HARD and finding out was a softie Sed is! My heart used to belong to Sed, but (fickle soul that I am) I've switched to Eric (mmm....DRUMMERS!)
ReplyDeleteI'd want to spend by Easter with Jace.
ReplyDeletejcross719 at yahoo dot com
For now, I'll say Brian. After reading Rock Hard, I'll say Sed. Yeah, I'm fickle like that....
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Tough choice but I think I would love to spend it with Eric he sounds fun!
Sed is such a hard ass but so sweet inside. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI am still in love with Brian so would love to spend Easter with him. However, this would have to be time travel to time period before Backstage Pass.
ReplyDeletelittle lamb lst at yahoo dot com
I think I would pick Jace... I reserve the right to change my mind later. :)
ReplyDeleteOk, after some very serious thought...I'd have to go with Trey and Jace. I feel there are some other...talents...ya, be explored. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI'm going with Jace. Seems kind of shy ;).
All of them. The more the merrier , right??
Jace definately Jace - oh and some melted chocolate :D
ReplyDeletepaxford @ gmail dot com
Any would do in a pinch, but Eric would be my first pick.
Hummm that is a very hard question!! I am not sure I can really pick they are all special to me in their own way so I will have to say all of them!!
ReplyDeleteakascrapaholic [at] gmail [dot] com
I would want to spend it with Sed...or better yet, with all of the Sinners! Wouldn't want any of them to feel left out ;)
I choose all of the Sinners!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat story was so incredibly cute! I want them ALL! But since Sed dressed up as the Easter Bunny, I'll take him for Easter. You should totally come up with a 4th of July one too and then at that time, I'll take the hottie draped in the American flag. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for making me smile and I hope you have a very happy Easter.
lastnerve2000 at gmail dot com
I would pick Sed =) I just finished reading Rock Hard today and was sad when it ended. I wanted to read more with Sed. I really enjoyed So this was really cool post...more sinners. Loved it and thanks. Count me in for this please. I'd love a copy for my book shelf. Very Hot!!
If I could find a way to get Sed & Brian to play nice and share... yeah that would be the perfect combo!!!
Great story, Olivia.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to limit my choice to one Sinner, I'd go with Trey this Easter. He seems to know all the best tricks.
Trey, I'm completely and totally fascinated with Trey...always.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Easter story.
Right now because I am reading Backstage Pass, I would have to say Brian. I love how he loves fast and hard. Love it!
ReplyDeleteI would have to take Trey and mend his broken heart of what's happening with Brian and Myran! I'm pretty sure I'm just the gal to do that!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to spend Easter with Jace. He seems like he would show you a reallllly good time, possibly on his motorcycle. Since I don't do well at family gatherings, I'd sneak off with him and he'd take my mind off things.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the story Olivia and the chance to win! :)
I think I'd pick Eric. That poor guy needs some attention, and really, he shouldn't have to bang his head on another table because one of his buddies gets the girl.
ReplyDeleteI would definitely pick Eric. He was so good with the kids and playing airplane with them. Any guy that can entertain kids is a great guy in my book! Besides, I think its his turn to get the girl!
ReplyDeleteSed...because he's a marshmallow on the inside. :)
ReplyDeleteLoved this short story!
ReplyDeleteI'd pick Jace...I'm curious what he could do with Peeps or chocolate bunnies!
I'd choose Sed. What a guy to succumb to wearing a rabbit suit to please the little kids. Although I could spend time with any or all of the guys I'll stick with Sed for now. He's adorable.
ReplyDeleteGreat story BTW! Really nice peek at the importance of family life for this sex symbol.
Hope I win! heh
aries18 at charter dot net
Would love to spend it with Jace! We could be furries! LOL j/k long as Myrna was no where to be found!
ReplyDeleteWould love an autographed copy of ROCKHARD
vintamsigond at aol dot com
Jace, Jace, Jace!!! I love him...haha he joined in on the bunny pile!!XD
ReplyDeleteThanx for the giveaway!
I definitely have to go with Jace! Thanks for hosting the giveaway :)
ReplyDeletefroggykm at gmail
So glad you all enjoyed the story! So I've been tallying the votes.
ReplyDeleteBrian has 6.
Sed 9.
Jace 15. (go, Jace!)
Eric 7.
Trey 6.
Yes, I'm keeping track. Want to make sure all the guys are getting some lovin'. They are!!
And for those of you who cheated and said all... I totally understand. :-)
I'll check in again later. Good luck winning!
JACE!!! Hands down, no competition, and no brainer! Why? Cause I want to cover him up with chocolate and nibble him like he was a Hershey's kiss...
ReplyDeleteBrian or Jace!!
ReplyDeletemk261274 at gmail dot com
Definitely Sed...just can't resist a tall & ripped lead singer with an enormous... heart ;)
Hmm.... I'd choose Trey, not only does he like to snuggle, but he likes boys too.... Hmmm waaaay hot.... That'd be Happy Easter to ME!
ReplyDeleteMmm, all of them? Ok ok, I pick Trey if I have to pick just one. ;) Why? I think he'd be pretty exciting for sure. Threesome? Happy Easter!
Brian....definately Brian..well can I have two? *bites lip* Cuz I could use me a little Trey as well *winks*
ReplyDeleteGreat little Story. Totally made my Easter!
Trey...I would love to spend easter or time with trey...
ReplyDeleteLove the story, sigh now i need more Sinners
No need to enter me in the contest.
ReplyDeleteI loved this little holiday story! I choose all of them for the holiday! They each bring something interesting to the party. I love their banter back and forth. Sexiest band evah!!! That would make any day perfect!
Great story, Olivia! I would pick Eric. Brian and Sed are already taken in my mind! Trey is fun to read about, but a little too freaky for me. Jace seems adorable on the outside, but too twisty on the inside, and such a youngun. Eric seems sweet and lonely, and apparently he likes kids. Plus he's long and lanky and has drummer's muscles...yum!
ReplyDeletePoor Sed. . LOL. and I can't believe that he was naked on a library book. I don't think that I can look at library books the same way . .
ReplyDeletejessangil at gmail dot com
Jace...he's dark and twisty in dark ways. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't figure out if the contest was closed or not.
aemelia_eq at hotmail dot com
I would have to go with Eric. There is just something about him that I just love. He is sweet, always there when they need him, Love kids, tall and lanky, a drummer, ect...
ReplyDeleteEric is the i would want to spend Easter with
Just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful Easter story!!! I finished Rock Hard tonight so now begins the withdrawal until the next book. Argh! Fantastic books!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would say Eric because he doesn't get that much luv, and I LUV his witty remarks and sense of humor!!