LCR Elite #2
By: Christy Reece
Releasing June 29, 2015
the face of innocence whose secrets, if uncovered, could destroy her carefully
crafted life.
the cusp of achieving every goal she’s set for herself, Kacie Dane is one step
away from superstardom. The hell she endured five years ago is a nightmare of
the past. With a new name and a new life, no one would ever recognize her as
the ravaged victim she’d once been. Her secret is safe…or so she thinks.
a disgraced former sports star looking for redemption, determined to stay in
the shadows.
the golden boy of the NFL, Brennan Sinclair’s fall from grace was witnessed by
the entire world. Determined to stay out of the limelight and make his life count
for something, he joins the Elite branch of Last Chance Rescue. Brennan never
expected his first assignment would draw him back into the life that almost
destroyed him.
secrets should never be kept. Some sins can never be forgiven.
knows exactly who Kacie Dane is and will stop at nothing to destroy her.
Brennan is sure that he, along with his LCR Elite partners, can keep Kacie safe
and unmask the evil trying to destroy her, but he never expected to lose his
heart to the one woman he couldn’t have.
killer bent on revenge. A woman who refuses to be broken. A man in need of
one is safe.
Goodreads Series Link:
Growing up in a tiny community in
Alabama boasting only one stop sign and a gas station gave Christy ample
opportunity to create daring adventures in her head. When she wasn't thinking
of her story characters, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys kept her entertained and
out of trouble. Later came the chills of Stephen King and the thrills of John
Grisham, but the romance genre always held a strong place in her heart.
A few years ago, she decided to write the stories that had been rattling around
in her head. Now she and her characters couldn't be happier.
Christy lives in Alabama with her husband, five adorable fur-kids and one very
shy turtle.
Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
Rafflecopter Giveaway (Five Kindle or Nook Gifted Ebook Copies of RUNNING ON EMPTY, A LCR Elite Novel #1)
that the excitement has passed, I just realized how tired I am.” She flashed
him a shy smile. “Thanks for a lovely day. It’s exactly what I needed.”
enjoyed it, too.”
wanted to say something else, keep her there for a few more minutes. Wanted the
right to kiss her, hold her close. But no matter how much both of them had
enjoyed their time together, today hadn’t been a date, and he sure as hell
wasn’t her boyfriend.
nodded, backed away. “Good night.”
came to an abrupt stop when she whispered, “Brennan?”
it be too out of line if I asked you to kiss me again?”
yeah, it’d be out of line. And totally unprofessional and inappropriate if he
complied. So then why was he walking toward her, standing in front of her?
was easy to read. He saw the anxiety, but more than that, he saw the hope, the
need. “I don’t want to frighten you again.”
didn’t frighten me…” Her smile was uncertain, almost shy. “You made me really
made me feel something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Wasn’t sure I ever
would again.”
pretty, pink flush washed over her face. “You made me want.”
left him breathless with her sweetness, her honesty and courage. Even though
every masculine instinct told him to take her, hold her, devour that sweetness,
Brennan held himself still. Everything, including the smallest of gestures,
must be up to her. She’d had too much taken from her already. Damned if he
would demand something she wasn’t ready to give.
could, however, give her this. “I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone more than I
want to kiss you.”
eyes lit up. “Really? Skylar told me you dated a Miss America contestant and a
Miss World in the same week.”
liked that she could tease him, that she felt comfortable with him.
he did nothing, she bit her lip slightly, tilted her head. “So, you going to do
it or not?”
you are.”
again, but it was almost immediately replaced by excitement, curiosity.
Stretching up on her toes, she leaned into him, put her mouth on his, and then
instantly raised her head, looking somewhat disappointed.
the kind of kiss you wanted?” Brennan asked.
him. He knew it wasn’t, but he also wouldn’t take anything she wasn’t ready to
give. After yesterday’s near fiasco, she couldn’t blame him for his caution.
wanted to growl her frustration. She’d never asked a guy to kiss her before,
never had to. And now, she wanted this man’s kiss more than anything, and he
expected her to do it on her own?
try it again.” She put her hands on his shoulders, her mouth on his and pressed
a firm kiss onto his unsmiling lips. That was better but still not what she
a breath, she wrapped her arms around him, pressed her body against his, and
put her mouth back on his. Still nothing.
spoke against his mouth. “You know it takes two to tango.”
was so close she felt the smile curve his mouth against hers.
doing good…keep going.”
might’ve given up if it wasn’t for the fact that she was pressed against his
chest and could feel the rapid beat of his heart. He might be playing it safe,
but he wasn’t unaffected.
empowered, Kacie put her mouth against his again, moved softly, caressing. He
responded, but too slowly, too careful. She wasn’t about to give up, though.
She pressed deeper into him and licked his lips, then took a nibble at his
sensuous lower lip. A deep growl started in his chest. Progress, at last.
the assault, she nibbled, sucked, and also added the occasional tongue caress.
That lasted for several seconds until, with a deeper growl, Brennan took over.
His mouth opened, and he drew her into a soul-devouring, heart-stopping melding
of his mouth to hers.
halted all efforts to control the kiss as she let Brennan sweep her away into
the most delicious moment of her entire life.
later, he raised his head and said softly, “Good night, Kacie.”
part of her body throbbed with need, and though she knew she’d never wanted
anyone the way she wanted Brennan Sinclair, she also knew she wasn’t ready to take
this any further.
away from him, she said softly, “Good night,” and made her exit before she
could change her mind.
felt his eyes on her as she walked up the stairway. If she turned and went back
down, she knew she could have more of those delicious kisses, plus other
things. She didn’t have the courage to try, though…at least not yet.
as though she was dancing on air, Kacie prepared for bed. Her usual ritual of
face washing and teeth brushing were done automatically as she relived those
moments in Brennan’s arms. How wonderful he had tasted, and while she’d felt
safe and cared for, she’d never experienced such off-the-edge excitement. It
was like freefalling from an airplane but knowing that you would land safely
and securely.
pulled on a favorite pair of pajamas, short shorts, and a tank top, pulled back
the covers, and settled down to sleep. By habit, she’d left the light on in the
bathroom, but she was almost sure that very soon it would no longer be a
necessity. Even though someone out there possibly wanted to ruin her, she
actually felt safer than she’d ever felt in her life. How incredible was that?
her hand under her pillow to position it more comfortably, she paused when her
fingers touched something odd. Puzzled, Kacie sat up and picked up her pillow.
She squinted in the dim light. Flat, shiny, and square, it appeared to be a
photograph of some kind.
the light switch at the top of her bed, she looked down again. A moan escaped
her, and then she couldn’t breathe. Breath rasped from her lungs in loud, ugly
gasps. A dim part of her mind told her she was hyperventilating, but she
couldn’t stop, couldn’t think.
God, how had—
falling out of bed, Kacie stumbled to the door, opened it and was at Brennan’s
door in a second. She barely managed to wait until she entered his room before
she sobbed his name.